“Prepare in advance to avoid mistakes and unforeseen events, carry out the process clearly and well done only once, don’t waste time and money on the process due to lack of preparation!”


Brazil eVisa Tourist / Business

We are experts in applying for visas to Brazil.
Our clients consistently recognize the depth and accuracy of our profile analysis, characterizing it as exceptionally detailed. This attention to detail allows us to offer superior insights throughout the rigorous and mandatory Brazilian visa application process.

From April 10, 2024, passport holders from Australia, Canada and the United States will need a visa to enter Brazil. If you have a valid physical visa in your passport for the purpose of your visit, you will not need to apply for a new visa.

If you arrive on April 9th, we strongly recommend that you apply for your eVisa in advance to avoid travel interruptions due to delays or missed connections. Secure your eVisa for a hassle-free trip!

Know your visa type

See if your purpose of travel allows you to apply for the eVisa:

Considering that your nationality is one of the applicable nationalities for the eVisa, you are eligible to apply for it if the purpose of your travel matches with one of the below mentioned activities:


Business visitor is the foreign who will attend to meetings, trade fairs and business events, prospect commercial opportunities, sign contracts, audit or consult. The exercise of paid activity in Brazil is forbidden and the stay cannot exceed 90 days.


Tourism visitor is the foreign who wish to carry out activities of a tourist, informative or recreational nature, as well as visiting family members.


Transit visitor is the foreign who, in order to reach the country of destination, must enter in Brazilian national territory. It is not necessary to grant a visa to a foreigner on a continuous voyage, who has to make stopovers or connections in Brazil, provided that: i) he / she stays in the international transit area of the Brazilian port or airport, without the need to pass Brazilian immigration control, and ii) is the holder of a single air ticket, even if issued by two or more airlines that have a cooperation agreement between them.

Seminars or Conferences:

This type of visitor is the foreign who wishes to come to Brazil to participate in conferences, seminars, congresses or meetings, characterized as specific events. These visitors do not receive remuneration in Brazil for their activities. The visa can be granted even if the foreign obtains reimbursement of the expenses of stay, transport and food, directly or by means of daily.


This type of visitor is the foreign who will act as an aircraft or vessel crew member, except for cases when the visitor presents an international seafarer card issued under the terms of the Convention of the International Organization of Labor – ILO.

Fiancé(e) or spouse of a Brazilian citizen:

This type of visitor is the foreign who comes to visit a Brazilian spouse or family.


Autorização Eletrônica de Viagem (eTA)

Brasileiros que tiveram um visto canadense (emitido nos últimos dez anos) ou que tenham um visto válido não-imigrante para os EUA poderão ser elegíveis para ETA (Autorização Eletrônica de Viagem) a partir de 1º de Maio de 2017. Selecione as opções Turista (Eletrônico) ou Negócios (Eletrônico) no nosso menu.

Solicitar um eTA para o Canadá é um processo super simples e este deve ser feito a partir do momento em que decidir viajar.

Tenha o seu passaporte, cartão de crédito e comece a preencher sua solicitação imediatamente. Veja abaixo como o processo funciona:

  1. Preencha o formulário,
  2. Efetue o pagamento da taxa após preenchimento dos dados,
  3. Receba um e-mail de notificação de sua solicitação:
  • Na maioria dos casos, a solicitação do eTA leva minutos para ser aprovada ,
  • Em outros casos também pode se levar dias. Essa situação provavelmente ocorrerá quando se fizer necessário o envio de documentos adicionais do solicitante, 
  1. se este for o caso, você receberá no prazo de 72 horas, um e-mail de notificação com as instruções do que fazer e de qual documento deve apresentar para que sua solicitação seja aprovada.

🏆 Our approval rate is 98.7%

Carry out a profile analysis and discover important and favorable information to increase your chances of having your visa approved.

1. Discover how to increase your chances of approval.
2. Discover answers to your main questions.
3. Discover your weaknesses and get tips.
4. Find out how to qualify for your desired visa.
5. Discover the list of documents you must collect.
6. Discover how to avoid making common and fatal mistakes.
7. Find out how to reverse denied visa applications.


Fale com um especialista

Preencha o formulário abaixo e em breve entraremos em contato.



The vast majority of visas are issued within a few hours.


We have a 98.7% success rate on requests.

Aviso Legal: A IMMI CENTER não é afiliada a nenhuma agência ou departamento governamental. Os custos dos serviços de consultoria NÃO incluem qualquer solicitação governamental, exame médico ou taxas biométricas. Somos um provedor privado de consultoria em viagens. Você pode se inscrever diretamente para obtenção dos vistos nos sites das Embaixadas ou Consulados. A IMMI CENTER é autorizada pelo Ministério do Turismo através do Cadastur para operar com a atividade de obtenção e legalização de documentos para viajantes de acordo com a Lei 11.771/08 – Art. 27 § 4o I o qual poderá ser verificado em:  https://cadastur.turismo.gov.br/cadastur/
